
Aaron C avatar image
Aaron C asked Aaron C commented

How do you query tracked variable data after Experimenter reps?

So I've used a calculated table to get Dashboard data from the Experimenter using a query like:
SELECT * FROM[Experiment.NameOfDashboardChart]

Is it possible to do something similar with Tracked Variable data? Essentially, I have a Tracked Variable that captures output per month, and I've pinned it to my Dashboard in the form of a line graph. However, using the same querying method in a calculated table doesn't seem to work. Is there a different way to access the data for a tracked variable for all Experimenter replications?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 19.0.0
experimenterquerycalculated tabletracked variablesreplications
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Aaron C commented

Tracked Variables do not keep data from each replication like Calculated Tables and Statistics Collectors do.

Pinning the TrackedVariables creates a Statistics Collector, and you can use a similar query to query that tool, like this:

SELECT * FROM [Experiment.NameOfStatisticsCollector]
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Aaron C avatar image Aaron C commented ·

Perfect! I wasn't calling the correct name after "Experiment.". Thanks!

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