
Madeline Z avatar image
Madeline Z asked Joseph Gillespie edited

How do I make both AGV paths run at the same time?

I have two processes for AGVs. How do I make them work at the same time?

FlexSim 19.0.0
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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·
@Madeline Z

You need to make TWO tasks to work both AGVs and send them TWO AGVs each at the same time. You can get a better solution if upload the example model in your topic.

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Madeline Z avatar image Madeline Z David Seo commented ·
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gilbert jerald avatar image gilbert jerald Madeline Z commented ·

@Madeline Z


To make the AGV do work at the same time, I have created a job for AGVcontinuously. Are you expecting the AGV logic like this? If not add a comment, will check it.



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support-agv.fsm (121.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
Joseph Gillespie answered Joseph Gillespie edited

@Madeline Z

The only problem I found with your model was that your AGV process flow was buggy. I disconnected AGV1 and AGV2 from the AGV process flow and connected them to the AGV2 process flow and it worked.

Here is the model: helpagvanswer.fsm

For future reference, using multiple AGV paths should always work as long as AGV paths have their own process flow, though one of yours doesn't need a process flow since you are using the AGVs as task executors for your queues:

Hope this helps!

capture6.png (6.6 KiB)
helpagvanswer.fsm (216.6 KiB)
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