
Asif A avatar image
Asif A asked Joerg Vogel edited

how to develop a live feed for the DES model

i am trying to develop a live feed using the http sockets that can interact with the DES model. by which the model can be updated live, for example the breakdowns. how to develop alive feed for the DES model. can anyone provide some guidance.

FlexSim 19.1.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Basically you build a model, where you control the MTBF and First Failure Time by labels of the MTBF MTTR tool. And you change the label values by transmitted parameters of your socket communication, while the model runs. I think you won’t get a model example here from the community fast, because it isn’t a general request and it isn’t fast to build alone in FlexSim. You need additionally a program that transfers socket data to FlexSim.

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