
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked Jordan Johnson commented

Problem with sending flow item over conveyor system

I'm working on a model where conveyors can be run in 2 directions. I know that the reverse direction is still a bit flunky but I think that this is a very basic approach which should work. I send a product into a conveyor system and out through the same conveyor. But it will not go out even if it does contain the correct destination. We have tried a lot of things but I can't find a solution for it. Is this still a bug in the reverse conveyor system or did we model something wrong?


Short description, a large tote is created on a long piece of conveyor. It is moved to the side into a separate system. Here a photoeye changes the direction of a number of conveyors via a user command that sets all target speeds of the conveyors in a group. And a senditem option on a decision point should send the tote back. But it is not doing that.

FlexSim 19.2.0
reversible conveyors
modelwithbug.fsm (48.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

When you connect decision points, FlexSim creates a route from the first to the second using the true direction of the conveyor. This route doesn't change when you reverse conveyors. So essentially, there is no route back tot he beginning.

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