
Sergio V6 avatar image
Sergio V6 asked Ben Wilson commented

Ports and Protocols from the client to the License server


I have a problem connecting from client side Flexsim to the license server. I have the client in a virtual machine which has restricted security (closed ports, disabled communication protocols, etc). I wanted to know, on the client side, what ports and communication protocols are used to reach the license server.

In the documentation ( I found that I need to have the following ports open:

• 26914 (lmgrd.exe)

• 56914 (flexsim.exe)

What other ports or protocols do I need to have enabled on the client side?

As a note, I have the firewall disabled and my license server is on a custom port (like


FlexSim 21.2.4
license serverportstransfer protocolflexsim client
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson commented

Hi @Sergio V6 ,

There are two things you'll want to check:

  1. licenses are properly being hosted on your license server
  2. required communications are not blocked.

Let's go over tests for each of these in turn.


You can test if your server is properly configured and hosting FlexSim licenses by installing an appropriate version of FlexSim simulation software directly on your license server. Use the Licensing a single-user client PC instructions on page 19 of our license server installation instructions to configure FlexSim to get a license from the local license server.

Use as your License Server Address <port>@ where <port> should be the lmgrd port number. Our default license file uses 26914, but you may have chosen a different port number.

If a local-to-the-license-server FlexSim instance is able to properly get a license, then you've verified that your license server is properly hosting your FlexSim seats.


A FlexSim client instance must maintain a solid connection to the license server in order to obtain and keep a FlexSim seat. These connections happen over the lmgrd and vendor daemon ports. You can change our default ports (26914 and 56914) in the file flexsimLicenseFile.lic to be whatever available port numbers you like. After you change the license file, be sure to restart the service.

The communication between your license server and any client PCs happens across those two ports, so for licensing purposes, those are the only firewall exceptions you would need.

You can use the telnet test to determine if communication is working from your client PC to the license server across those two ports. The video at that link has some references to lmadmin, but our recommendation today is to use lmtools to host your FlexSim licenses. The important parts of that video are about testing connectivity using telnet.

Be sure to test both ports. If one or both ports times out, there is some issue connecting between the two machines that needs to be debugged by your network administrator to allow the communication to go through.

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