
SaiKrsih avatar image
SaiKrsih asked SaiKrsih commented

Is there a way in flexsim to measuere System Performance to AGV utilization ?

Hello Flexsim Answers Group,

I would want to know which flexsim feature should be selected to measure a system's performance in relation to the AGVs used in that system. As an example, consider system throughput against AGV utilisation.

I used the model as referenece from this question posted reference model question

I placed distributions (such as normal and uniform) under the quantity column in the time source in processflow to create variation in the items supplied to machines.

All machine processing times are fixed (in relation to their real processing times). I would want to know which graph or chart may be utilised to compare AGV utilisation to machine throughput over time.

Any suggestions please?


FlexSim 22.2.1
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered SaiKrsih commented

This is a feature of experimenter results. You can select two performance measurements to show their mutual relation in one graph.

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