
Kevin S7 avatar image
Kevin S7 asked Kevin S7 commented

code error when processing data

@Felix Möhlmann Regards, hello again, I used your code to process and store. At first it worked great but then I entered my actual data that I want in the global table and when I made the labels some values came out as 0. Can you help me correct or what should be wrong? They should all have a label assigned according to my percentage of the table since those are the values I want to work with.


Data type.fsm

It should not affect arrivals because I am going to increase it. The pallets that arrive are not fixed. I have to modify them, but what won't change this time are the percentages. Those are my percentages that I stick with. I liked how the table turned out, the count and the way it calculates the percentage, but the only small mistake is that it doesn't label all the values.

FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Kevin S7 commented

Looks likes its working as intended to me. What were you expecting differently?

You create 66 items while there are 75 types, so obviously not all types are used.

When there are multiple entries with the same values, the code will choose one of the eligible ones at random, to rows might be skipped and only later filled in.

Types with higher percentages will be assigned multiple times before types with low percentage are assigned for the first time, as is to be expected if you want to stay as close to the given values as possible. In your model it takes around 190 items until each value was assigned at least once. Which is still considerably lower than one would expect, since the lowest value only occues in 0.3% (1 in 333) cases. (As I said in the other post, this method creates low percentage types more often than one would expect at the beginning. It also clumps the creation of types with similar percentage values more than a random distribution would.)

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