
12345bjy avatar image
12345bjy asked 12345bjy commented

AGV not turn around corners

Hello,I'm trying to make the agv not turn around corners when the agv accorss every control point ,but I failed.The following two place that use red frame line is the main reason,I don't konw how to handle ,I really need help,I sincerely appreciate receiving everone's response.屏幕截图-2024-08-27-233641.png

FlexSim 22.2.0
agvshape framenot turn around corner
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @12345bjy,

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered 12345bjy commented

Typically there is a connection missing. I propse to draw path segments longer than any minimum. Then I adjust one segment end to get an intersection resulting in an "x" cross. If you delete your control point, you will see that some are missing.agv-path-connecting.jpg

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12345bjy avatar image 12345bjy commented ·

@Joerg Vogel Thanking for your help.I adjust all the control point and then still have some problems when the agv cross the point 1、6、7、13,the agv turn around corners however others not.Maybe you can see other question about my logic.Thanks.



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered 12345bjy commented

Interesting idea of using waypoints to switch the shape's orientation. Though why do you use so many shape frames? Wouldn't four - one for every direction - suffice?

Anyway, one issue I see with this is that the 'correct' shape frame depends on the travel direction of the AGV. So to generalize the logic, you'd need to read the orientation of the AGV on the path (which is possible but cumbersome).

What I would do instead is simply set the rotation shape factor in the AGVs On Pre Draw trigger to always keep the shape pointing in the same direction globally.


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12345bjy avatar image 12345bjy commented ·

Thanking for your help.I revise the model according to your feedback,at the same time I seriously learning your model ,but ,I still have some problems,The model I have revise meet the agv cross the tow points the agv turn around corners,I should how to handel the problem?Sincerely looking forward your reply.



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann 12345bjy commented ·

That's what I meant by the 'correct' shape depending on the travel direction. After unloading the AGV switches the travel direction and all frame changes would have to account for this change in rotation by 180°.

Additionally, when arriving at the control point on the intersection there are two possibilities in what direction the AGV will continue and the shape also depends on this.

Because getting these informations is somewhat complex I suggested the other solution of using the On Draw trigger to continually adjust the shape's rotation.

The information would be available in the AGV node of the TE, which is what you have access to in the waypoint code through the "agv" variable.


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12345bjy avatar image 12345bjy Felix Möhlmann commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann

Surely, your method is more flexibly!

but,hou to understand the mean about[offsetrz(current).value=-(current.rotation.z+90)],exactly the"offsetrz",I haven't look for it's annotations and usage instructions,so ,I don't konw the meaning of this statement.So the following statement about[if.....]also don't know how to understand.

Please forgive me,I haven't been studying flexsim for long.I'm struggle to learning them. Thank you.

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