
XiomaraG avatar image
XiomaraG asked XiomaraG edited

Help with moving and processing items by groups

I want to simulate a Warehouse System. In the first part, it is supposed to received a group of pallets then it processes all the received pallets and a transporter has to pick all of them and organize them into racks.

I want to process all this entire group of pallets in a specific time given by a statistical distribution, pick them all up in a specific time and unload them all in a specific time, not separately but always together. Additionally, I need the transporter to unload all the requested pallets on the same slot in the floorstage because they are unloading the pallets randomly, as you can see:

I send the model so you can see how it works

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

You have not preassigned a slot to the items - if you do that they will enter that slot - at the moment you are using the 'Slot Assignment Strategy' of the rack which is set to random.

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