
hikel avatar image
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hikel asked hikel commented

Distance between Forklifts

I am using A star this is a warehouse simulation. (reason I am doing small grid is to have a grid line in each aisle) I know in order to prevent collision you try to make grid node bigger ( @Joerg Vogel if you have any other suggestion I have seen your post). I am just trying to have distance between forklifts specially within racks because we cannot have more than 3 forklift for each Aisle. I am trying to implement it but it looks like it is not working I am using same code from the code just for Narrow phase. in this post as well doing same in network. I have seen a lot of posts related to distance between AGV/forklift but most of them use network. just some post related to A star. I am trying to have forklift leave space between each other specially within the racks. only close idea is using agent module from this post. @Felix Möhlmann Do you have any idea how solve this problem? here is model consalidation problem.fsm


I tried rerouting seems not working for case here as well from this post or this post or this post

FlexSim 23.2.2
warehouseagent moduleforklift movementproximity detection
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@hikel and @all, Collision Detection is replaced by Agent System. There are existing some threads about cranes, vehicles and operators, AGVs, robots. You will need to get familiar with this concept. So I recommend to study some of here provided examples in threads.

some suggestions:

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hikel avatar image hikel Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Joerg Vogel most posts using network which not the case here. here is similar question to me but no answer. For warehousing do u consider should I keep A star or switch to network then use traffic control to force distance between forklifts? from your answer to this post seems I can keep A star. if I need to switch to network do I need in each bay in rack a control point. if that so my model is large to do it for each one. any suggestions?
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel hikel commented ·

@hikel, As I understand this you can allocate grid nodes for your taskexecuters. You use an Agent System to identify involved grid nodes. I suggested some threads to understand what an agent system is capable of, because it is the system which events will be responsible to decide and which vehicle stops and which vehicles will fulfill tasks of load and unload with priority.

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered hikel commented

Hello @hikel,
You can use a control area with A star to define how many transporters can be in an area. This feature was added in 24.0

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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·
Hello @Jeanette F I actually did switch to 24.2 version and used control area! as the agent didn't work me
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