
mhf423 avatar image
mhf423 asked mhf423 commented

Charts Not Populating Data

Hi everyone,

I am following the tutorial basics and for the most part, I think I am done..


However, some of my charts don't work, even though I followed the steps exactly.


It would be much appreciated if you could point out what went wrong and help me set them correctly! :)


FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered mhf423 commented

After swapping the model to Process Flow the customers do not enter the 3d sinks anymore, which is why the Throughput and Happy vs Unhappy chart do not display anything, since they read the input statistic of those object. You can swap them to instead get the statistics of the PF sinks.

Similarly the service desks are now only props and do not change their state anymore. Thus the Utilization chart only shows them as idle. You can 'manually' set their state through a pickoption in the Custom Code activity in Process Flow if you want (Control -> Set Object State).

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mhf423 avatar image mhf423 commented ·

Hi! Thanks for reply.

I think I get what you are getting at..

"You can 'manually' set their state through a pickoption in the Custom Code activity in Process Flow if you want (Control -> Set Object State)."

Could you show me a screenshot or video of those steps you described? if you could help me change it to make it work the way you said, that would be great too :)

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann mhf423 commented ·

Before and after the delay that represents the process time, set the state of the respective service desk to "processing" and then back to "idle".



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mhf423 avatar image mhf423 Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thanks for your help! I managed to get the data I needed for the other 2 charts too but there's is one small issue.

Is there a way to change the chart label to be different from the process label while maintaining the process data?

I don't need the whole process path, just "Happy Customers" and "Unhappy Customers"


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