
Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image
Hemanth Sai Kumar asked Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

Custom States for Multiprocessor in state chart

Hi FlexSim Users,
I have a use case where I need to capture individual time taken of different process of a multiprocessor in a state process Gantt chart. As a default option I found cumulative processing time of the multiprocessor by using but I am looking for something where I can find split of each process times. How can I do this with the new state Gantt chart ?

Below I am attaching the example that I tried.


Thanks in advance

FlexSim 24.1.0
multiprocessorstate chartcustom state chart
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

Just select the MultiProcessor state profile in the chart's settings and link to a state table that contains the correct state names. You can auto-fill a state table based on an object's state profile by using the sampling tool of the state table.


Though the Multiprocessor will not reflect any other states. To create a state profile that is a combination of the default states and the multiprocessor states, see this post.

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Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image Hemanth Sai Kumar commented ·

Hi Felix,

Thank you for your time and quick response. From the above example model 50% of my problem is solved but by adding state profile in the chart I was able see only the time spent by each process per part, here I also need the default states that are occurring i.e like idle, waiting for operator, down time .Is there any option to get both is a single gantt chart.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Hemanth Sai Kumar commented ·

Either you do what is described in the link I posted and create a state profile that combines both the default and the multiprocessor profiles.

Or you add the multiprocessor states to the default profile and every time the object changes into the "Processing" state, you force it into the state that corresponds to the step instead. In the attached model I do this through a combination of the "On State Change" and "On Message" triggers. This is necessary to give the multiprocessor state time to update before it is read.

I didn't name the states (neither in the profile nor the state table) so the chart currently just shows 51 and 52 as state names.

Setting an object to a state that is not part of the profile will add states up to that state number to the profile automatically. If its connected to a chart, you will get an error message when this happens. The states are retained in the profile though, so you should only see these errors on the first model run.


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Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image Hemanth Sai Kumar commented ·

Hi Felix,
Once again thank you for your time, above mentioned example model solved my problem fully. Now I am able to see all states of the individual process getting updated in the state profile chart as expected. But I am looking for fix the legend of the process instead of giving number.
Once again thank for your quick support.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Hemanth Sai Kumar commented ·
The state gantt chart takes the names from the linked state table. So just change the state names there to the correct ones.
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