
Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image
Hemanth Sai Kumar asked Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

Custom States for Multiprocessor in state chart

Hi FlexSim Users,
I have a use case where I need to capture individual time taken of different process of a multiprocessor in a state process Gantt chart. As a default option I found cumulative processing time of the multiprocessor by using but I am looking for something where I can find split of each process times. How can I do this with the new state Gantt chart ?

Below I am attaching the example that I tried.


Thanks in advance

FlexSim 24.1.0
multiprocessorstate chartcustom state chart
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

Just select the MultiProcessor state profile in the chart's settings and link to a state table that contains the correct state names. You can auto-fill a state table based on an object's state profile by using the sampling tool of the state table.


Though the Multiprocessor will not reflect any other states. To create a state profile that is a combination of the default states and the multiprocessor states, see this post.

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