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Ben Wilson posted

Reread License Files - lmtools   

Assumed configurations

All steps below assume that you followed the installation instructions as described in our license server installation instructions, and that all FlexSim's license server files were extracted to the location C:\FlexSim_LMTOOLS. Throughout these instructions we will reference files inside that folder.

Reread the license

  1. Within your FlexSim_LMTOOLS folder, right-click lmtools.exe and choose Run as administrator. You may need to accept a permissions prompt.
  2. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
  3. Choose the FlexNet License service for your FlexSim licenses. The name of the service could be
    FlexSim_License, but the service could have been given a different name.
  4. Press the ReRead License File button.image23.png
  5. Close lmtools.
license serverlicensinglicense upgradereturn licenselicensing serverserver licensemanual licensingstandalonereread licenses
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ben.wilson contributed to this article


Licensing Topics