
Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson posted Ben Wilson edited

License Server - FlexNet Licensing Service 64   

A license server hosting FlexNet enabled products like FlexSim relies on a service called FlexNet Licensing Service 64.

FlexSim requires FlexNet Licensing Service 64 version or higher.

Is FlexNet Licensing Service 64 already installed?

There is a chance that you already have a version of FlexNet Licensing Service 64 installed. Let’s check:

  1. Click the Start button or press the Windows key, then type “Services” into the search box in the Start menu, and press Enter. Windows will search for and open Windows Services Manager.
  2. If the list of services is not already sorted by name, click the Name column heading.
  3. Scroll down to services beginning with F. Do you see a FlexNet Licensing Service 64?

If you find that FlexNet Licensing Service 64 is not installed, or if you only have the 32-bit version (missing the ‘64’ in the service name), skip below to the heading Install the FlexNet Licensing Service.

Check the installed version of FlexNet Licensing Service 64

If FlexNet Licensing Service 64 is already installed, we should make sure it is version or higher. If your FlexNet Licensing Service 64 has a lower version number, you will need to remove the older service and upgrade. We’ll get to those steps soon, but first, let’s check what version is installed:

  1. In Windows Services Manager, scroll down to the entry for FlexNet Licensing Service 64.
  2. Double click the service name to open its Properties window.
  3. 1670519200799.pngIn the middle of the General tab, find the Path to executable. Copy the path location from just after the opening double quote (“) until the final backslash (\) before the filename. This is the path. It is probably something like C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FlexNet Publisher\. With the path now copied to your clipboard, note the name of the .exe. It is probably FNPLicensingService64.exe.
  4. Open a file explorer (Windows Key + E) and paste the path into the Address bar. Hit Enter to navigate to the path.
  5. Right click the .exe file that the service's Properties indicated is the service executable. Select Properties to view the .exe file’s properties.
  6. 1670519141210.pngNavigate to the Properties window’s Details tab.
  7. The Product version should be version or greater.
  8. Make sure that the Product name indicates 64-bit.

If you found that you don’t have FlexNet Licensing Service 64 installed, skip below to the heading Install the FlexNet Licensing Service.

If you found that your version number of FlexNet Licensing Service 64 is lower than, you will need to upgrade the service.

Upgrade FlexNet Licensing Service 64

To upgrade your FlexNet Licensing Service 64 to version, first complete the following:

  1. In Windows Services Manager, right click FlexNet Licensing Service 64 and choose Stop.
  2. Navigate to the Path to executable shown in the service’s properties. Rename the service’s .exe file by putting an underscore (_) in front of the .exe’s name.
  3. Continue with the instructions below under the heading Install FlexNet Licensing Service 64.

Install FlexNet Licensing Service 64

  1. 1673461740509.pngIn your extracted download folder of FlexSim license server materials, navigate into the folder flexsimserveractutil.
  2. Right-click flexsimserveractutil.exe and select Run as administrator.
  3. 1670519038015.pngSelect the menu option Tools > Licensing Service > Install anchor service.

You should receive a confirmation that FlexNet Licensing Service 64 is now installed.


license serverlicensingserver licensemanual licensingstandalonelmadminlmtoolsflexnet
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

Hello @Ben Wilson , is it necessary to return Licenses, before we upgrade from 32Bit License Server to 64Bit?

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Joerg Vogel commented ·

Hey @Joerg Vogel , sorry I missed this question!

I actually am not sure if the Trusted Storage will just transfer over to the 64-bit license service. I suspect it would work fine, that you would not have to return the licenses first, but by now you've tested. You'll have to let us know the right answer.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

@Ben Wilson, because we must update licenses often, this question is not relevant anymore. We update the license server during updating the licenses. Thank you for your comment.

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ben.wilson contributed to this article


Licensing Topics