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Standalone - Return - XML / Offline   


You will need to be able to transfer plaintext XML license files to and from your offline computer.

Create manual return requests

  1. Open FlexSim Software.
  2. In FlexSim's main menu, Go to Help > License Activation.
  3. Click the Advanced tab. Go to the Manual Return sub-tab.1663267873206.png
  4. Each of your activated licenses is listed in the dropdown selector. Select a license you want to return.
  5. Click the Generate Request button.
  6. You will be prompted to save an XML file. Choose a location and filename to save your XML return request.
  7. Repeat for all licenses you wish to return, so that all your XML return request files can be transferred at one time.

Submit your manual return requests

  1. Transfer your XML return requests to a computer with Internet access.
  2. From your Internet-connected computer, open a web browser and login to your FlexSim Account.
  3. Click the Licenses link in your FlexSim Account's page header. Click the Manual XML link in the submenu.1695388166724.png
  4. Upload your XML file by dragging it onto the drop zone, or click the drop zone and browse to your XML file.
  5. Your uploaded XML request will be processed.
  6. Upon completion, you will be prompted to download the XML response. Download the response XML file.
  7. Repeat for any licenses you are manually returning, so that all your XML return response files can be transferred back to your offline PC at one time.

Process your manual return responses

  1. Transfer your downloaded XML return responses to the offline computer you are un-licensing.
  2. In FlexSim, using the same licensing interface where you generated your request, click the Process Response button.
  3. Browse to an XML return response file. FlexSim should give you an indication of successful processing of your return, and your return will be complete.
  4. Repeat to process the XML return responses for any other licenses you are manually returning.

If you have any questions or problems, please search our Answers Community for possible solutions. There is a good chance someone else has already asked your question.

Still not finding what you're looking for? Submit a new question and we'll check it out. If you're including any confidential information, such as license codes, be sure to mark your question as private! You can also contact your local FlexSim distributor for live phone, web, or email help.

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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.



ben.wilson contributed to this article


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