This window can be accessed through the View menu >Model Layouts.
This utility lets you create and edit certain layouts for your model. Objects may be moved around in the view in order to create different layouts for different scenarios. For example, you may want to save a layout that represents a left-to-right flow chart of the steps in your model, where model flow proceeds always from left to right. Then you may want to save another layout that represents an actual factory layout. This window lets you do that. It is also useful for testing different potential layouts of your facility.
Layout information is stored on each of individual objects. A node is added to the object attributes called Layouts. For each created layout, a copy of the object's current spatial information (position, size, rotation) is stored.
Layout List - Displays the list of current Model Layouts. Select a layout to immediately update your model that layout. You may rename a layout by entering a new name in this field.
Add Layout - Adds a new layout. When you add a layout, it will save the current layout of the model.
Delete Layout - Removes the selected layout.
Set - This will update the selected Model Layout to match the current layout of the model.