This section will provide more information about how to add, rename, and delete Types using the Conveyor System Tool. Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the purpose and functionality of the Conveyor System tool. See Introduction to the Conveyor System Tool for more information.
Adding and Renaming New Conveyor System Types
You can add a new Type to your Conveyor System using Quick Properties or the Properties dialog box (see Accessing Type Properties for information on how to open the tool using these methods):
- In either Quick Properties or the Properties dialog box, look for a pull-down menu labeled Type. The full label for this pull-down menu is somewhat dynamic based on the kind of object you highlighted. For example, if you clicked a Straight or Curved Conveyor, the pull-down menu would be labeled Conveyor Type. If you clicked a Photo Eye, the pull-down menu would be labeled Photo Eye Type, etc.
- When you open the Type menu, you will see a list of all the Types that have been added to the system so far. From the Type menu, select New [Object] Type... . Again, the specific label for this menu item is dynamic based on what kind of object you currently have highlighted, as shown in the following images.

- The Type Properties dialog box for the kind of object you've highlighted will now appear. At the top of the dialog box you will see a text box containing the name of the new Type. By default, the new Type will be named something such as ConveyorType2 or PEType1, etc. You can edit the text box to give it any name you prefer.
- At this point, you can edit any of the settings for that particular kind of object. For information about the setting for each kind of object see:
- Conveyor Types
- Transfer Types
- Decision Point Types
- Photo Eye Types
- Entry Transfer Types
- Exit Transfer Types
Assigning Conveyor System Types to New Objects
Once you've created the custom settings for each Type using the Conveyor System Tool, you can easily export the settings to any new conveyor objects or transfers in your simulation model. To assign a Type to an object or transfer:
- In either Quick Properties or the Properties dialog box, look for a pull-down menu labeled Type. The full label for this pull-down menu is somewhat dynamic based on the kind of object you highlighted. For example, if you clicked a Straight or Curved Conveyor, the pull-down menu would be labeled Conveyor Type. If you clicked a Photo Eye, the pull-down menu would be labeled Photo Eye Type, etc.
- When you open the Type menu, you will see a list of all the Types that have been added to the system so far. From the Type menu, select the Type that should be assigned to this object.
Deleting Conveyor System Types
To delete a Conveyor System Type:
- On the View menu, click Toolbox to open the Conveyor System tool.
- In the Conveyor System tool, right-click on the Type you want to delete. A menu will open with several options, as shown in the following image. Click Delete to remove this Type from the Conveyor System.

Adjusting Units of Measurement
Many of the Type Properties dialog boxes have fields that allow you to customize units of measurement. These fields have blue letters indicating units of measurement, as shown in the following image:
When you click on the blue letters, a menu field will open that will allow you to change the units of measurement for that setting.