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Paul Toone posted

Basic Modeling Functions   

Here we have provided a quick reference for commands that are used most often in FlexSim. For more detailed information on these commands, refer to the command index.


Object Referencing

The following commands and access variables are used in referencing objects in FlexSim.

current and item

  • current - the current variable is a reference to the current resource object. It is often an access variable in pick lists.
  • item - the item variable is a reference to the involved item for a trigger or function. It is often an access variable in pick lists.

Referencing Commands

command(parameter list) Explanation Example
first(node) This returns a reference to the first ranked object inside of the object passed first(current)
last(node) This returns a reference to last ranked object inside of the object passed last(current)
rank(node, ranknum) This returns a reference to the object at a given rank inside the object passed rank(current, 3)
inobject(object, portnum) This returns a reference to the object connected to the input port number of the object passed inobject(current, 1)
outobject(object, portnum) This returns a reference to the object connected to the output port number of the object passed outobject(current, 1)
centerobject(object, portnum) This returns a reference to the object connected to the center port number of the object passed centerobject(current, 1)
next(node) This returns a reference to the next ranked object of the object passed next(item)
prev(node) This returns a reference to the previous ranked object of the object passed prev(item)
node(path, startnode) This returns the object found at path in the tree beginning from startnode node("/Floor1/Processor", model())

Object Attributes

command(parameter list) Explanation
getname(object) This returns the name of the object
setname(object, name) This sets the name of the object
getitemtype(object) This returns the itemtype value of the object
setitemtype(object, num) This sets the itemtype value of the object
setcolor(object, red, green, blue) This sets the color of the object
colorgreen, blue, white, random...
This sets the color of the object to red, blue, green, white, etc.
setobjectshapeindex(object, indexnum) This sets the 3D shape of the object
setobjecttextureindex(object, indexnum) This sets the 3D texture of the object

Object Spatial Attributes

command(parameter list) Explanation
These commands return the x, y, and z locations of the object
setloc(object, xnum, ynum, znum) This sets the x, y, and z location of the object

These commands return the x, y, and z size of the object
setsize(object, xnum, ynum, znum) This sets the x, y, and z size of the object

These commands return the x, y, and z rotation of the object
setrot(object, xdeg, ydeg, zdeg) This sets the x, y, and z rotation of the object

Object Statistics

command(parameter list) Explanation
content(object) This returns the current content of the object
getinput(object) This returns the input statistic of the object
getoutput(object) This returns the output statistic of the object
setstate(object, statenum) This sets the current state of the object.
getstatenum(object) This returns the current state value of the object
getstatestr(object) This returns the current state of the object as a string
getrank(object) This returns the rank of the object
setrank(object, ranknum) This sets the rank of the object
getentrytime(item) This returns the time the flow item entered the object it is currently in
getcreationtime(item) This returns the time the flow item was created

Object Labels

command(parameter list) Explanation
getlabel(object, "labelname")
getlabel(object, labelrank)
This returns the value of the object's label
setlabel(object, "labelname", value)
setlabel(object, labelrank, value)
This sets the value of the object's label
label(object, "labelname")
label(object, labelrank)
This returns a reference to the label as a node. This command is often used if you have a label that is used as a table.
assertlabel(object, "labelname", DATATYPE_NUMBER)
assertlabel(object, "labelname", DATATYPE_STRING)
This command creates a label called "labelname" if it doesn't currently exist on object, or returns a reference to the label if it already exists.

Object Control

command(parameter list) Explanation
closeinput(object) This closes the input of the object
openinput(object) This re-opens the input of the object
closeoutput(object) This closes the output of the object
openoutput(object) This re-opens the output of the object
sendmessage(toobject, fromobject,
parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)
This causes the message trigger of the object to fire
senddelayedmessage(toobject, delaytime, fromobject,
parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)
This causes the message trigger of the object to fire after a certain delay time
stopobject(object, downstate) This tells the object to stop whatever its operation is and go into the given state
resumeobject(object) This allows the object to resume whatever its operation is
stopoutput(object) This closes the output of the object, and accumulates stopoutput requests
resumeoutput(object) This opens the output of the object once all stopoutput requests have been resumed
stopinput(object) This closes the input of the object, and accumulates stopinput requests
resumeinput(object) This opens the input of the object once all stopinput requests have been resumed
insertcopy(originalobject, containerobject) This inserts a new copy of the object into the container
moveobject(object, containerobject) This moves the object out of its current container into its new container

Object Variables

command(parameter list) Explanation
getvarnum(object, “variablename”) This returns the number value of the variable with the given name
setvarnum(object, “variablename”, value) This sets the number value of the variable with the given name
getvarstr(object, “variablename”) This returns the string value of the variable with the given name
setvarstr(object, “variablename”, string) This sets the string value of the variable with the given name
getvarnode(object, “variablename”) This returns a reference to the variable with the given name as a node



command(parameter list) Explanation
gettablenum("tablename", rownum, colnum)
gettablenum(tablenode, rownum, colnum)
gettablenum(tablerank, rownum, colnum)
This returns the value in the specified row and column of the table
settablenum("tablename", rownum, colnum, value)
settablenum(tablenode, rownum, colnum, value)
settablenum(tablerank, rownum, colnum, value)
This sets the value in the specified row and column of the table
gettablestr("tablename", rownum, colnum)
gettablestr(tablenode, rownum, colnum)
gettablestr(tablerank, rownum, colnum)
This returns the string value in the specified row and column of the table
settablestr("tablename", rownum, colnum, "value")
settablestr(tablenode, rownum, colnum, "value")
settablestr(tablerank, rownum, colnum, "value")
This sets the string value in the specified row and column of the table
settablesize("tablename", rows, columns)
settablesize(tablenode, rows, columns)
settablesize(tablerank, rows, columns)
This sets the size of the table in rows and columns
This returns the number of rows in the table
This returns the number of columns in the table
Sets all number values in the table to 0

TaskExecuter Control

For more information on controlling TaskExecuters, refer to the task sequence section.

Prompts and Printouts

command(parameter list) Explanation
pt(text string) Prints text to the output console
pf(float value) Prints a floating point value to the output console
pd(discrete value) Prints an integer value to the output console
pr() Creates a new line in the output console
msg(“title”, “caption”) Opens a simple Yes, No, Cancel dialog
userinput(targetnode, “prompt”) Opens a dialog box where you can set the value of a node in the model
concat(string1, string2, etc.) This returns the string concatenation of two or more strings

Advanced Functions

Here are more advanced functions that you might use. We do not provide their parameter lists here. For more information, refer to the command summary.

Node commands - node(), nodeadddata(), getdatatype(), nodetopath(), nodeinsertinto(), nodeinsertafter(), getnodename(), setnodename(), getnodenum(), getnodestr(), setnodenum(), setnodestr(), inc()

Data changing commands - stringtonum(), numtostring(), tonode(), apchar() 

Node table commands - setsize(), gettablenum(), gettablestr(), gettablerows(), gettablecols()

Model run commands - cmdcompile(), resetmodel(), go(), stop()

3D custom draw code commands - drawtomodelscale(), drawtoobjectscale(), drawsphere(), drawcube(), drawcylinder(), drawcolumn(), drawdisk(), drawobject(), drawtext(), drawrectangle(), drawline(), spacerotate(), spacetranslate(), spacescale()

Excel commands - excellaunch(), excelopen(), excelsetsheet(), excelreadnum(), excelreadstr(), excelwritenum(), excelwritestr(), excelimportnode(), excelimporttable(), excelclose(), excelquit()

ODBC commands - dbopen(), dbclose(), dbsqlquery(), dbchangetable(), dbgetmetrics(), dbgetfieldname(), dbgetnumrows(), dbgetnumcols(), dbgettablecell(), dbsettablecell()

Kinematics - initkinematics(), addkinematic(), getkinematics(), updatekinematics(), printkinematics()

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paul.t contributed to this article


FlexSim 2016.1