You can get to the General page by right-clicking on a Path or Control Point and choosing AGV Network Properties.
AGV Simulation Start Method - A trigger that will fire for each AGV at the beginning of the model. Usually you will use this to fire the AGV's OnResourceAvailable, in order to start the AGV polling for work.
Check for Deadlock - If checked, the Control Point/Control Area allocation logic will continuously check for deadlock cycles. If it finds one, it will stop the model and notify you of the issue. Tutorial Lesson 1 includes a discussion of deadlock. Note that deadlock detection does require additional calculations and may slow your simulation down. You should hence turn it on while debugging, and once all deadlock issues are resolved, turn it back off.
Zero Travel End Speed Means Max Speed - If checked, AGV's will interpret travel tasks with end speed of 0 to mean: end at the AGV's max speed. This behavior is the default with other FlexSim travel mechanisms, such as standard travel networks that use network nodes. However, with AGVs this is not always the desired behavior, so it is an explicit setting that you define here.