The sink activity destroys tokens, removing all data stored on those tokens. If a token has children, it will remain inside the sink activity until all of its children have been destroyed, thus maintaining the links and data on the children. If Deallocated Shared Assets is unchecked and the token has allocated shared assets, the token will also remain inside the sink activity until all shared assets have been deallocated.
The sink activity and the Finish activity are valid ways to destroy tokens. Do not use the destroyobject() command to destroy tokens.
The sink activity marks the end of a set of activities. No activity may be connected to a sink. See Adding and Connecting Activities for more information.
The following image shows properties for the sink activity:
Each of these properties will be explained in the following sections.
- Name You can change the name of the activity using the Name box. See Name for more information about this property.
- Font The Font button
opens a window to edit the activity's background color and font properties. See Font for more information about this property.
- Statistics The Statistics button
opens the activity's statistics window. See Statistics for more information about this property.
- Deallocate Shared Assets If the Deallocate Shared Assets box is checked, any Shared Assets that are allocated by the token will be deallocated when the sink destroys the token. In other words, when a token is destroyed by the sink, any resources that have been previously acquired by the token will be released and any entries or backorders on lists associated with the token will be deleted. If the token is in a zone, the zone will only update its content and not update any of its other statistics. If unchecked, the token will remain in the sink activity until its shared assets have been deallocated.
Exiting a Zone
In order to properly remove a token from a zone and have the zone's output, staytime and custom statistics updated, send the token through an Exit Zone activity.