Decision Point Types are global settings that you can import to any Decision Point. This section will explain the settings that you can customize when you create or edit Decision Point Types using the Conveyor System tool.
Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the purpose and basic functionality of the Conveyor System tool. See the following sections for more information:
For more information on how to use some of the Pick List Behaviors for Decision Points and Photo Eyes, see Decision Point and Photo Eye Behaviors.
The following image shows the various settings available in the Decision Point Type Properties dialog box:

There are four available settings for Decision Points Types:
- Item Edge - The item edge that will trigger Decision Point events.
- Color - The color that Decision Points of this type will be drawn with.
- On Arrival - The Trigger that will fire when the defined item edge arrives at the Decision Point.
- On Continue - The Trigger that will fire when the defined item item edge continues through the Decision Point.
- On Reset - A Trigger that fires when the simulation model is reset. This can be used to reset state variables such as labels, etc., when the model is reset.
Usually the OnContinue trigger will be fired immediately after the OnArrival. However, if you stop the item as part of the OnArrival, the OnContinue will not be fired until the item is resumed.