Create a Global Task Sequence (GTS) by selecting the main menu option Tools >Global Task Sequences >Add. The following window will appear:
First, give the GTS an appropriate name.
Press the Add and Remove buttons to add or remove object references. For each object reference, you can give it a name and type (either Dynamic or Static). For dynamic types, you can choose the reference to be one of Dynamic Parameters 1-5. These parameters will be passed in to the createglobaltasksequence() function when the instance is created. For static references, click one of the buttons to the right and select the desired object in the model.
Once you've created the references you need, go to the Task Sequence tab. By default the task sequence is empty. On the left is a grid of droppable tasks. Add tasks by dragging them from the grid on the left and dropping them into the list. An attributes panel will appear to the right of the list.
To edit each task's attributes, just click on the task in the list, and edit the attributes on the right. Use the buttons above the list to reorder or remove the tasks in the sequence.
Once you've created your task sequence, you can select the "Create Global Task Sequence" option in the "Request Transport From" field of the Flow tab in any FixedResource Properties window or in the Quick Properties Flow panel.
Just enter the GTS name and the appropriate dynamic parameters.
For more information on how Task Sequences work, refer to the Task Sequences section.