Reports and Statistics - This option opens the Reports and Statistics window. It allows the modeler to create various reports based on statistics gathered during a model run. These reports can include information about flowitem throughput, staytime, state history and other data that the modeler can select or customize.
Experimenter - This option brings up the Simulation Experiment Control input window. The Experimenter is used to perform multi-run multi-scenario analyses of your model. This is also how you access FlexSim's Optimizer, which is used to find the optimum values for a set of user-defined decision variables so as to either minimize or maximize a user-defined objective function within the constraints defined by the user. The Optimizer, using OptTek's OptQuest engine, requires a special license sold as an add-on to the basic FlexSim software license.
Repeat Random Streams - This option repeats the random streams every time you reset and run the model. To make each run different, unselect this option.
ExpertFit - This option opens the curve fitting software ExpertFit.