Target Product ID - The ProductID that will be assigned to the material that leaves this object.
Adjust Output Rates - This function is called every tick and allows the user to change the output rates and scale factors during a model run. There are access variables that are references to the nodes that hold the rates and scale factors. To read the current rate (object or port) the getnodenum() command should be used. To change the rate the setnodenum() should be used. To read or change the scale factors getnodenum() and setnodenum() should be used in conjunction with the rank() command.
Input Ports
These properties affect how the object receives material from upstream objects.
Maximum Object Rate - The maximum rate that material will be allowed into this object through all input ports combined. The actual input rate is based on the amount of material available upstream and the space available in this object.
Maximum Port Rate - The maximum rate that material will be allowed into this object through any single input port.
Output Ports
These properties affect how the object sends material to downstream objects.
Maximum Object Rate - The maximum rate that material will leave this object through all output ports combined.
Maximum Port Rate - The maximum rate that material will leave this object through any one port.
Output port scale factor - Each row of the table is the scale factor for a single output port. The value is multiplied by the maximum port rate to determine the actual maximum rate for that specific port. This allows the modeler to change the rate of individual output ports during a model run.